miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2009

more decent, ok :)

hola hola!
as will see the blog already has a header a bit more decent, this bar the hize long time, but need some adjustments, though my tastes are very similar.
Mau also thank you for reading this, my new blog, thanks Mau! jejejeje
Well thank you very much, bye

11 comentarios:

  1. Jojo... ¡no hay problema! :p
    Pero.. cuéntame, ¿cuánto tiempo se supone que mantendrás este blog?


  2. Also... You can resize the image, or turn it upright and put it in the background....

  3. jejeje gracias!
    pues no se bien, yo digo que por lo menos durara un semestre pero tratare de mantenerlo vivo un poco mas.


  4. that image mean? and then if you talk about setting up a picture entry by the blogger, if you choose left, right, bottom ... if it works,he tell me =)

  5. Hmmm... You can try this:
    1) using any image editor, edit your header's image to make it something like this (or, like you want):

    2) Upload it

    3) Get the image's URL

    4) Go to blogger's desktop (admin), then click on "Diseño" --> "Edición de HTML"

    5) On the text box, search "http://www.blogblog.com/thisaway_rose/bg_body.gif" (your actual background)

    6) edit this:

    background: #692 url(http://www.blogblog.com/thisaway_rose/bg_body.gif)

    replace your actual backgruond's URL whit the new background URLs

    save it (or preview it).

    Well... tell me if it works

    Regards! :)

  6. Postada:
    1) using any image editor, edit your header's image to make it something like this (or, like you want):


    Puedes usar esa imagen para probar.

    PD 2: porfa, NO la uses como definitiva! :o... pesa mucho (tardaría en cargar tu blog... y se comería el ancho de banda del mio!!! :s jajajja)

  7. aaaaaaaaaaah and you get it! good I was testing, and as you say the board will only be used as headboard only that probenga your files, but goes to occupy some space! she almost look like this (with the head full wide) because it was the original, so you're stuck for a short half hour opening my blog, for a simple header which would have been funny hehehe. hey, since you have not visited my other blog right? that is not for the task of English, as perhaps you noticed the partially blocked, pro if they could enter, (do not tell me no ok!) that had a spy that hopefully already have disappeared.
    thank you very much for good read ok

  8. traduje mal ups:
    donde dice: hey, since you have not visited my other blog right?
    quiere decir: oye! ya no has entrado a mi otro blog verdad?
    trata de entender, xq creo q ni yo me entiendo.

  9. Jaja, no te preocupes... bueno sí, porque no entendí jeje.

  10. Hola hola!... disculpa, esque me la he pasado algo alejado de la compu... y el día que me enviaste el correo andaba en Campeche, y no cargué con mi lap :)...
    Bueno... iré a comer jeje... que estés muy bien :)

  11. me encanta tu blog. esta chulisimo si quieres visitar el mio q es de pintura:
